Bridge Pattern




Bridge classes are the Implementation, which uses the same interface oriented architecture to create objects. On the other hand, the abstraction takes an object of the implementation phase and runs its method. Thus makes it completely decoupled with one another.




As you can see the Bridge classes are the Implementation, which uses the same interface oriented architecture to create objects. On the other hand, the abstraction takes an object of the implementation phase and runs its method. Thus makes it completely decoupled with one another.


# region The Implementation

    // Helps in providing truly decoupled architecture
    public interface IBridge
        void Function1();
        void Function2();

    public class Bridge1 : IBridge

        #region IBridge Members

        public void Function1()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public void Function2()
            throw new NotImplementedException();


    public class Bridge2 : IBridge
        #region IBridge Members

        public void Function1()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public void Function2()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

    # endregion

    # region Abstraction
    public interface IAbstractBridge
        void CallMethod1();
        void CallMethod2();

    public class AbstractBridge : IAbstractBridge 
        public IBridge bridge;

        public AbstractBridge(IBridge bridge)
            this.bridge = bridge;
        #region IAbstractBridge Members

        public void CallMethod1()

        public void CallMethod2()

    # endregion