Abstract Factory Pattern




Declares a IGUIFactory (UserControl) as a new object and renders button according to local machine config settings. IGUIFactory creates button whilst IButton renders control, both work in tandem with the IGUIFactory being instantiated based on the config with either derived (concrete) classes (OSX/Win)




interface IButton
    void Paint();

interface IGUIFactory
    IButton CreateButton();

class WinFactory : IGUIFactory
    public IButton CreateButton()
        return new WinButton();

class OSXFactory : IGUIFactory
    public IButton CreateButton()
        return new OSXButton();

class WinButton : IButton
    public void Paint()
        //Render a button in a Windows style

class OSXButton : IButton
    public void Paint()
        //Render a button in a Mac OS X style

class Program
    static void Main()
        var appearance = Settings.Appearance;

        IGUIFactory factory;
        switch (appearance)
            case Appearance.Win:
                factory = new WinFactory();
            case Appearance.OSX:
                factory = new OSXFactory();
                throw new System.NotImplementedException();

        var button = factory.CreateButton();