About Me

Personal Profile



To date, I have around several years commercial experience in object oriented programming stemming from Java to C# with a little C++ to add. All of which have made me into a competitive full stack engineer. I am well-versed in the SOLID principles and enough knowledge on the Gang of four design patterns to keep myself afloat


I am also familiar with many C# client wrappers to third party applications (Aerospike, Redis and mongoDB). Amongst this I have experience of ASP.Net2.0 – 4.5 Webforms, MVC3/4 and Silverlight. I also work on the basis of TDD and BDD design principles when producing a product to ensure maintainability and stability of any code base i create.



In terms of development operations, I have worked on AWS, Openstack, VMWare and Rackspace private and public clouds. Creating server boxes to order depending on flavour and image for a variation of different tasks for a distributed, SOA, platform.